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Schatten properties of commutators

par Petit Valentin - publié le

Jeudi 12 mai 2022
Kai Zeng
(Université de Franche-Comté)

Given a quantum tori \mathbb{T}_\theta^d, we can define the Riesz transforms \mathfrak{R}_j on the quantum tori and the commutator dx_i := [\mathfrak{R}_i, M_x], where M_x is the operator on L_2(\mathbb{T}_\theta^d) of pointwise multiplication by x \in L_\infty(\mathbb{T}_\theta^d). In this talk, we will characterize the Schatten properties of the commutator [\mathfrak{R}_i, M_x] by showing that x \in B^\alpha_{p,q}(\mathbb{T}_\theta^d), where B^\alpha_{p,q}(\mathbb{T}_\theta^d) is the Besov space on quantum tori. Futhermore, we will extend this characterisation to the more general case where \mathfrak{R}_j replaced by an arbitrary Calderon-Zygmund operator. To date, these new results treat the quantum differentiability in the strictly noncommutative setting