Maître de Conférences, HDR
Laboratoire de Mathématiques
Université de Franche-Comté
16 route de Gray
25030 Besançon Cedex
Bâtiment métrologie, bureau 411
Tél : +33 (0)3 81 66 65 89
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Equipe de recherche : Analyse Fonctionnelle
Je travaille dans l’analyse harmonique au sens large : algebres de groupes, groupes et semigroupes quantiques, espaces de fonctions sur des groupes localement compacts.
Je suis la responsable du Master mathématiques .
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Preprints :
Invariant means on subspaces of quantum weakly almost periodic functionals , 17 p., arXiv :2206.12591 [math.OA].
Quantum semigroups : a survey , 28 p., arXiv :1807.06282 [math.OA].
Published / accepted :
with Rauan Akylzhanov, Michael Ruzhansky, and Haonan Zhang, Norms of certain functions of the Laplace operator on the `ax+b’ groups , 28 p., Math. Zeitschrift (2022). ArXiv :2101.00584 [math.FA].
with A. Abbar, Γ-supercyclicity of families of translates in weighted Lp -spaces on locally compact groups , J. Math. Anal. Appl. 495, Issue 1 (2021), ArXiv : 2005.11230 [math.FA].
with Safoura Zadeh, On isomorphisms between weighted Lp -algebras , Canad. Math. Bull. 64 no.4, pp.853-866. ArXiv : 1803.06083 [math.FA].
Duals of quantum semigroups with involution , Adv. Oper. Theory 5(1), 167-203 (2020), ArXiv : 1611.04830 [math.OA].
with Marat A. Aukhadiev, Quantum semigroups generated by locally compact semigroups , Illinois J. Math. 62, no.1-4 (2018), pp. 41-60. ArXiv : 1504.00407 [math.OA].
with E. Abakumov, Density of translates in weighted Lp spaces on locally compact groups , Monatsfhefte Math. 183(3), 397-413 (2017). ArXiv : 1703.06775 [math.FA].
with J. Roydor, Homomorphisms with small bound between Fourier algebras , Israel J. Math. 217 (2017), Iss. 1, pp. 283-301. ArXiv : 1706.00701 [math.FA].
A duality of locally compact groups which does not involve the Haar measure. Math. Scand. 116 (2015), 250-286. ArXiv :1201.5023 [math.OA].
A duality for Moore groups. J. Oper. Theory 69 Iss.2 (2013), 571-600, ArXiv :0907.1409 [math.OA].
On continuity of measurable group representations and homomorphisms. Stud. Math. 210 no.3 (2012), 197-208, ArXiv : 1010.0999 [math.FA].
with C. Molitor-Braun : Harmonic analysis of weighted Lp -algebras . Expo. Math. 30 (2012), 124-153, ArXiv : 1103.3610 [math.FA].
An example of a weighted algebra Lp w (G) on uncountable group.
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 353, Iss. 2 (2009), 660-665.
ArXiv : 0805.0283 [math.FA].
Constructions of regular algebras Lp w (G).
Mat. Sbornik 200, no. 2 (2009), 75-88.
ArXiv :0802.4333 [math.FA].
Invariant weighted algebras Lp w (G). Math. Notes 84 no. 3-4, 529-537 (2008).
Translated from Mat. Zametki 84, no. 4, 567-576 (2008).
ArXiv :0707.0009 [math.FA].
Weighted Lp -algebras on groups.
Funct. Anal. Appl. 40, no. 3, 234—236 (2006) ;
translated from Funkts. Anal. Prilozh. 40, No. 3, 82-85 (2006).
with S. A. Shkarin : Multiplicative spectra of Banach spaces . J. Math. Sci. NY 131, no. 6 (2005), 6112-6119.
with J. Monecke, W. Cordts, and G. Richardson : Second order nonlinear susceptibility coefficients of porous semiconducting compounds .
Phys. status solidi (b) , vol. 241, iss. 3, pp. R8-R10 (2004).
with J. Monecke and W. Cordts : Second harmonic generation in porous III-V compounds.
Moldav. J. Phys. Sci. 1 no. 4 (2002), 89-91.
Multiplication on Frechet spaces.
Mosc. Univ. Math. Bull. 56, no. 1, 38-40 (2001) ;
translated from Vestn. Mosk. Univ., Ser. I , 56, no. 1, 49-51 (2001).
Lists of my papers (in mathematics) at : Mathscinet , Zentralblatt , Arxiv .
Habilitation thesis :
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Latest conferences where I was an organizer :
Polonium project summary workshop , Decembre 15 and 17, 2020, online
Arbre de Noël du GDR Géométrie Non-commutative , Decembre 2-4, 2020, online
Entangling Non-commutative Functional Analysis and Geometry of Banach Spaces , CIRM, Luminy, October 12-16, 2020
Journées de jeunes analystes non-commutatifs , Besançon, November 25-26, 2019
Autumn School on Multipliers in NC analysis and their applications , Besançon, November 18-22, 2019
Journées en Analyse Fonctionnelle , Besançon, March 26-27, 2018
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I was the coordinator on the French side of the following projects :
I am / was also a member of the projects :
ANR Noncommutative analysis on groups and quantum groups , coordinator : Quanhua Xu. We hired a postdoc for the year 2020/21 : Hua Wang . In 2022/23, another postdoc position is planned in Caen. An online conference will take place in June 2021.
I-SITE Noncommutative and Geometric Methods in Functional Analysis , coordinator : Uwe Franz. The project (co-)funded most of the conferences in the list above (2018 , 2019 , 2019 , 2020 ).
GDR Analyse Fonctionnelle, Harmonique et Probabilités , coordinator : Gilles Lancien
GDR Géométrie Non-commutative , coordinator : Jean-Louis Tu. I co-organized the last annual meeting of the GDR, in 2020 it took place online.
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Sujets de mémoires
J’encadre tous les ans des projets en Licence 3, Master 1 ou Master 2.
Le sujet actuellement proposé en Master 1 est Fonctions définies positives .
Les mémoires des dernières années :
De l’inégalité classique de Bernstein à sa généralisation aux groupes localement
compacts, David Hatzl, 2020, M2
Certains résultats sur les algèbres de von Neumann des groupes discrets, Jean-Jacques Stranic, 2020, M2
Representation of compact groups, Ma Yi et Wang Jiaqi, 2020, M1
Caldéron-Zygmund Operators and their applications to multiplier theory, Hao Zhang, 2019, M2
Variétés différentielles et leur groupe fondamental, Brandon Vizioli-Marion, 2019, M1
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Notes de cours
Mon seul cours tapé en entier est Intégration, semestre 5.
Autres notes et les sujets d’examens des années précédentes se trouvent sur Moodle dans les cours correspondants.
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