Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Besançon - UMR 6623 CNRS - <center><font style="font-size:25px;"> Thematic School 2020 :</font></center>

Accueil > Équipes > Équations aux Dérivées Partielles > Workshops organisés par l’équipe > Ecole QCA-Semigroupes > Ecole QCA-Semigroupes - anglais

Thematic School 2020 :

Quantification of Asymptotic Behavior of Semigroups and Applications

par Dupré Emilie - publié le , mis à jour le



Organizers and contacts : Farid Ammar-Khodja, Christian Le Merdy, Mustapha Mokhtar-Kharroubi
Dates : March 30 - April 3, 2020
Venue : Besançon, UFR ST, LmB
Scientific committee : Wolfgang Arendt (Ulm), Christian Le Merdy (Besançon), Mustapha Mokhtar-Kharroubi (Besançon), Michel Pierre (ENS, Rennes)

A CNRS thematic School on "Quantification of Asymptotic Behavior of Semigroups and Applications" will be organized by "Le laboratoire mathématique de Besançon" at the University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté from march 30th to April 3rd 2020 in Besançon, France.

The aim of this School is to bring together young mathematicians in functional analysis and partial differential equations around the subject of quantification of asymptotic stability of evolution equations. A series of courses covering recent developments on this topic will be given by :

Speakers :
- Charles Batty (Oxford, Royaume Uni), Tauberian theorems and decay of operator semigroups
- Nicolas Burq (Paris 11 Orsay), Resolvent estimates, control and stabilisation
- Ralph Chill (Dresde, Allemagne), The asymptotic behaviour of damped hyperbolic equations

The courses are intended for doctorate students and young reseachers. We hope to be able to support accomodation and lunch for participants.
Registrations are open until February 28.

The School program will be completed by a small number of shorts presentations by young researchers. If interested by making a presentation let us know in the following address : Mustapha Mokhtar-Kharroubi