In 2018-2020, LMB participated in the Franco-Polish project PHC Polonium :
Quantum structures and processes
financed by Polish Agency of Scientific Exchanges and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
On December 15 and 17, a summary workshop will take place online, with short talks (15 minutes) of the following speakers, participants of the Project :
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Tuesday, December 15, 13:30-15:00 Marek Bożejko Ruben Martos Jacek Krajczok Frank Taipe Biswarup Das
Thursday, December 17, 10:30-12:00 Uwe Franz Wiktor Ejsmont Amaury Freslon Lahcen Oussi Haonan Zhang
Marek BożejkoRemarks on Generalized Gaussian processes and positive
definite functions on some Coxeter groups
In my talk I will present the following topic :
Strong connections between generalized Gaussian processes and some
class of positive definite functions on permutations group.
Biswarup DasEllis joint continuity theorem for quantum groups Wiktor EjsmontSums of Commutators in Free Probability
In my talk I study the linear span of commutators of free random variables and show that these are the only quadratic forms which preserve free infinite divisibility
The main combinatorial tool is an involution on non-crossing partitions.
This is a joint work with Franz Lehner. Slides of the talk
Uwe FranzGenerating functionals and Hochschild cohomology for compact quantum groups
In several papers we have given Lévy-Khintchine or Hunt-type
formulas that classify convolution semigroups and Lévy processe on
compact quantum groups using their generating functionals. In my talk I
will focus on the role of Hochschild cohomology in these works. Slides of the talk
Amaury FreslonDiffusion of the quantum orthogonal Brownian motion
I will report on a recent work with Simeng Wang and Lucas Teyssier in which we study in detail the diffusion of the Brownian motion of Cipriani-Kula-Skalski on the free orthogonal quantum group. We compute in particular the speed of convergence to the Haar state and precisely describe the behaviour around the mixing time. Slides of the talk
Jacek KrajczokThe quantum disk is not a quantum group.
A well known result in classical topology says that one cannot
equip the unit disk with a structure of a compact group. During the talk
I will present a quantum counterpart of this result : there is no compact
quantum group structure on the C*-algebra of a quantum disk, i.e. the
Toeplitz algebra. (Joint work with Piotr Sołtan).
Ruben MartosTorsion phenomena for discrete quantum groups
We will introduce the notion of torsion for discrete quantum groups through examples of different nature. Next, we will give an overview on some recent results about its connections within KK-theory.
Lahcen Oussi Analogue of Poisson type limit distribution in discrete bm-Fock space
The analogue of ”Poisson type” limit distribution is constructed on
the discrete bm-Fock space, which is a kind of ”Fock space” generated
by all the increasing sequence in some countable partially ordered set
associated with positive symmetric cones in Euclidean spaces, including
R_+^d , the Lorentz cone in Minkowski’s spacetime and the cone of
positive definite real symmetric (d × d) matrices. (This is joint work
with J. Wysoczański).
Frank TaipeOn Quantum Groupoids arising from Fell Bundles
In this talk, after a brief introduction to quantum transformation groupoids, I will present a class of compact quantum transformation groupoids arising from Fell bundles.
Haonan ZhangComplete gradient estimates of quantum Markov semigroups
In this talk I will speak about the complete gradient estimate for symmetric quantum Markov semigroups on finite von Neumann algebras, based on joint work with Melchior Wirth.
Organizers are the project coordinators :
Anna Wysoczańska-Kula (Wrocław)
Yulia Kuznetsova (Besançon)