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Archive des séminaires 2014-2015

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Stability of the Timoshenko system and a Lagnese-Lions’ conjecture

In 1988 Lagnese-Lions conjectured that the asymptotic limit of Timoshenko system converges to the Von-Kármán system. In the last years a series of papers related to this conjecture have been (...)

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Soit M un espace métrique ayant une origine 0, considérons l’espace Lip_0(M) des fonctions Lipschitziennes sur M, à valeurs réelles et qui s’annulent en 0. Muni de la norme définie par la (...)

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Tian-Song theory in Kahler Ricci flow

Recently Gang Tian introduced a new method in Minimal model program by using Kahler Ricci flow theory. He proposed a program of finding canonical metrics on canonical models of projective (...)

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